Positive and Negative effects of technology on Environment

Over the past few decades, technologies have made a few great contributions to the environmental protection. Renewable technologies have reduced the demand of fossil fuel; computer technologies have enabled paperless office into reality and thus decreasing the number of trees used to produce paper.

Over the past few decades, technologies have made a few great contributions to the environmental protection. Renewable technologies have reduced the demand of fossil fuel; computer technologies have enabled paperless office into reality and thus decreasing the number of trees used to produce paper.
Environmental degradation is a growing concern as continued industrialization is being witnessed mostly in developed countries.


  1. A very good and motivating presentation. This motivated me to take care of the environment and use gadgets wisely.
    Yes I agree that the environment has been harmed by the advancement in the field of technology but only with the help of technology, we can save this environment by spreading awareness with the help of technology by posting such presentations on a large scale and use social media like facebook and instagram for spreading awareness instead of posting photographs of yourself and expecting likes and comments of others and leaving the awareness work on the Government. :)


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